Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Mitchell Geisler - Investment Scam Alert

Life tests you multiple times with lemons in your journey growing up. Said lemons are often extra sour and can quite literally be in the form of your personal and professional relationships, and leave you unable to trust anyone for a long time. The only way you can avoid these situations is by treading carefully and knowing humans that are just like those lemons in disguise, and avoiding them successfully. Especially In professional relationships, it's always better to know what and who you're dealing with so you can avoid the lemons: especially scamming lemons.

One such sour person we had the displeasure of knowing goes by the name Mitchell Geisler. Better known as CEO of Leveljump Healthcare Corps, he is a known, yet unexposed investment scammer. Geiser has years of scamming experience under his belt, which continues to help him scam a growing number of investors. Mitchell Geisler uses his reputation as a successful CEO to inspire people and move them into thinking that any investment made under his directions in his business ventures is bound to take off. Sadly, most small scale investors hoping to grow fall for his lies and enter investor relationships with him.

From that point onwards it is a continuous journey of downfall for the investor as they get milked by scam Geiser to an extreme. As for CEO Leveljump Healthcare Corps, he gets to add a few more zeros of hard earned money to his bank balance. That is what we ourselves experienced first hand dealing with this scoundrel. He lured us into investing in his business ventures, especially Level Jump, and promised massive investment returns. Considering it a golden opportunity, we did not think much of it and agreed to invest, mainly because of his respectable reputation in the society. However, we realized soon that that was not the case at all.

Right after the funds were transferred to his account, Mitchell Geisler started getting out of touch, subtly yet definitely. We tried not to think too much of it since he does have the responsibility of a huge company like Leveljump Healthcare Corps on his shoulders, so he could have been busy. To avoid disturbing him, we called the Leveljump office directly for information on our investment and when the returns would be coming in, only to be shocked when they said no such investment had entered the company's streams under our name. Baffled, we asked to recheck again and again until they hung up out of frustration- probably already knowing this was an insider's doing.

We tried to get some answers out of Geisler to no avail since he refused meetings and would not respond to emails or phone calls at all. That's when we realized that the 'investment' was going to go to Mitchell scam Geisler directly from the very beginning. The company is nothing but a front for him that helps him fool and lure investors, and it is an accomplice as well. Both the CEO and the company are criminals and they should not get to lead a respectable life in the society anymore. Mitchell Geisler is an investment scammer aided by Leveljump Healthcare Corps' position as a successful company in the society- get him behind bars!

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